I haven't posted for a long time because I was very busy with my portfolio. I want to study in de FH Joanneum in Graz and he deadline for the portfolio is in about a week. I hope they'll like it.
Nevertheless I draw some random sketches I would like to share. Enjoy.
Bdw I'm trying to write more english in this blog. My ability to write in foreign languages...does not exist. I often make grammatical mistakes. So I hope to improve my language skills with this.
My layout is under construction. I need something new. Everything will be new! The layout right now is just a quick done thing because I could't stand my old one anymore. Sorry for this mess. XD
Right now I want to draw emotional stuff like sleeping people or daily scenes everybody nows. Like...drowing in a feeling... I'm bad in describe my thoughs haha.
Fist part of the sketches:

I wish you the very best! You're gonna make it!
AntwortenLöschenMaybe it's just my imagination but I think your pencil stroke looks different than usual on the cat sketches. Pretty though. I like the standing/walking one best.
the girl sketch is very beautiful. I like the angle you chose, I love bird's eye view :D
I'm always stunned by the way you draw hair.
Any chances I get to see your application folder? I'd looove to see it :D
yay endlich postest du wieder *Q* das freut mich sehr :3
AntwortenLöschenIch drück dir ganz fest die daumen wegen deinem portfolio, aber ich denke sie nehmen dich, bei solchen skills können sie eigentlich nicht nein sagen ;3
sehr schöne skizzen :3 weiter so :3
Thank you very much! I don't now how to reply to the comments so I'll answer here. ^^"
AntwortenLöschenMay the pencil strokes look different because I used references for the cats.
Yes there would be a chance since I still have the pdf from it. ;D